Empowering Intelligent Edge Solutions: Iterate Now Integrates OpenVINO Toolkit for Enhanced Performance

Posted by: iterateai
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 8:35 PM

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence and edge computing, Iterate.ai continues to push the boundaries by introducing support for models prepared, optimized, and compressed with the OpenVINO toolkit. This integration not only facilitates seamless conversion and optimization of models from popular training frameworks but also opens the door to accelerated inference with the OpenVINO runtime. This marks a significant leap forward, enabling users to harness the power of Intel hardware across diverse environments – on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge.

Supercharging Drive-Thru and License Plate Recognition with Iterate Interplay

Interplay Drive-Thru: Revolutionizing the Customer Experience

Iterate’s Interplay solution takes advantage of high-performing Intel processors by leveraging Intel Extension for PyTorch to elevate the Drive-Thru experience. With full speech recognition, trainable menu knowledge, and a meticulously configured LLM (Llama-2-7b-chat), Interplay Drive-Thru automates the ordering process. This cutting-edge configuration operates locally on an edge instance of Intel Xeon Sapphire Rapid ensuring real-time response rates, accuracy and customer responsiveness.

License Plate Recognition: A New Dimension in Security

Interplay License Plate Recognition sets a new standard by leveraging Intel OpenVINO optimized PyTorch and YOLOv8 for video processing and detection. This powerful combination enhances security measures by providing accurate and efficient license plate recognition. The OpenVINO optimization ensures that the models are finely tuned to deliver peak performance across Intel hardware, offering unparalleled precision in identifying license plates.

Edge Capabilities for Enhanced Deployments

Iterate envisions deploying its services through edge capabilities, solidifying its commitment to providing customers with advanced edge services for seamless operations and collaborations. This strategic move is poised to redefine the landscape of AI deployments, ensuring that organizations can harness the benefits of edge computing for their specific use cases.

Key Features at a Glance:

  • OpenVINO / Intel Extension for PyTorch Toolkit Integration: Support for models prepared, optimized, and compressed with the OpenVINO/ IPEX toolkit, enabling accelerated inference on Intel hardware.  
  • Interplay Drive-Thru: Full speech recognition, trainable menu knowledge, and LLM configuration for an automated and responsive Drive-Thru experience.
  • License Plate Recognition: Utilizes Intel OpenVINO optimized PyTorch and YOLOv8 for video processing and detection, setting a new standard in security.
  • Edge Deployments: The organization plans to deploy its services through edge capabilities, ensuring enhanced performance and collaboration opportunities for customers.


As Iterate continues to innovate and integrate cutting-edge technologies, its commitment to providing intelligent solutions for diverse applications remains unwavering. The convergence of OpenVINO toolkit support and powerful Intel hardware positions Iterate at the forefront of AI and edge computing, delivering unparalleled performance and efficiency to its users.

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